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MUFFINS, GEMS - Кексы, булочки

Corn Meal Muffins
Mix together 1 pint corn meal, one-half pint Sperry flour, one-half pint corn, one tablespoon sugar, one teaspoonful salt, three teaspoonfuls Baking Powder, rub in finely two heaping tablespoons butter or lard. Beat up two eggs, add one pint of milk to them, pour them among the dry ingredients, mix well and divide into buttered muffin pans. Bake in a hot oven for fifteen minutes.
English Muffins
One quart Sperry flour, one-half teaspoonful sugar, 1 teaspoonful salt, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one and one-quarter pints milk.
Sift together flour, sugar, salt and powder; add milk, and mix into smooth batter trifle stiffer than for griddle cake. Have griddle heated all over, grease it, and lay on muffin-rings ; half them, and when risen well up to top of rings, turn over gently with cake turner. They should not be too brown. When all cooked, pull each open in half, toast delicately, butter well, serve on folded napkin, piled high and very hot.
Dainty Muffins
One-fourth cup butter, one-fourth cup sugar, 1 egg, one-half cup milk, \ l / 2 cups Sperry flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder.
Cream butter in cup, add sugar and cream together. Put in bowl, and add well-beaten egg; sift powder with flour, and add, alternating with milk. Bake in hot buttered gem pans in moderately hot oven for twenty-five minutes.
Rice Muffins
Two cups cold boiled rice, one pint Sperry flour, one teaspoon salt, one tablespoon sugar, one and one-half teaspoons baking powder, one- half pint milk, three eggs.
Dilute rice, made free from lumps, with milk and beaten eggs; sift together flour, sugar, salt and powder; add to rice preparation, mix into smooth, rather firm batter; muffins pans must be cold and well greased, then fill two-thirds; bake in hot oven fifteen minutes.
One pint of Sperry flour, one teaspoon baking powder, one-half tea-spoon salt, one teaspoon sugar, three teaspoons melted butter, one cup milk, three eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately. Mix the same as for muffins, adding beaten whites last; bake in hot, well-greased iron gem pans.
Graham Gems
One and one-half pint graham flour, l / 2 pint Indian (torn meal, 1 tea-spoonful salt, two teaspoons of baking powder, one and one-fourth pints milk. Sift together graham flour, corn meal, salt and powder. Add the milk, and mix into a moderately stiff batter. Half fill cold gem pans well greased. Bake in a solid hot oven ten or twelve minutes.
Twin Peaks Muffins
Cream one-half cup butter, gradually beat in one-half cup sugar, then add two well-beaten eggs. Sift in three cups Sperry flour, one cup corn starch and four teaspoonfuls baking powder, pour in one and one- half cups milk. Beat a minute and bake in;buttered gems pans for 30 minutes.
Rice Muffins
Take one cup cold boiled rice, one pint of Sperry flour, two eggs, one quart of milk, one tablespoon of butter, and one teaspoonful of salt ; beat very hard and bake quickly.
Johnny Cake
Take one cup cold boiled rice, one pint of Sperry flour, two eggs, one quart of milk, one tablespoon of butter, and one teaspoonful of salt; beat very hard and bake quickly.
Two cupfuls of Sperry flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one-half of a taspoonful of salt, one-third cup of sugar, three tablespoon-fuls of butter, 1 egg, currants if liked.
Add enough milk to make a soft dough, divide in half, flatten with the hand into a round cake the thickness of a biscuit, mark with a knife into four scones and bake quickly.
French Pancakes
Beat the yolks of three eggs until lemon colored and thick, add a cupful of milk, a teaspoonful of sugar and a half teaspoonful of salt. Sift half cup Sperry flour into a third of the mixture and when smooth add the rest and beat thoroughly. Lastly add a teaspoonful of olive oil. Bake in a hot buttered frying pan, turning when brown. Take from the fire, spread with jelly, roll up, dust with powdered sugar and serve.
Breakfast Cakes
Put a pint of milk on the fire; let it simmer a few minutes. Stir into it a piece of butter the size of a walnut. Add salt, and three spoon-fuls of good yeast, with three well-beaten eggs. Mix with these enough Sperry flour to make a soft dough. Knead well together, put the mixture in a warm place in a basin with a cloth over it for two hours. Then make it up into small cakes, lay them on a well-oiled tin, and bake in a quick oven.
Breakfast Griddle-Cakes
Take one pint buttermilk or sour milk, one teaspoonful of salt and soda, two eggs. Thicken with Sperry flour and cook on a hot griddle.
Graham Griddle-Cakes
One pint graham flour, one-half pint corn meal, one-half pint Sperry flour, one teaspoon brown sugar, one-half teaspoon salt, two teaspoons baking powder, one egg, one-half pint each of milk and water. Sift together graham flour, corn meal, flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder. Add beaten egg, milk and water. Mix together into a smooth batter.
Indian Griddle-Cakes
Sift and mix together two-thirds of a quart of corn meal, one-third of a quart of Sperry flour, one teaspoonful brown sugar, two heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder, one-half teaspoonful of salt. Add two beaten eggs and one pint of milk, beating into a smooth batter. Brown nicely on a very hot griddle. Serve with syrup.
Flannel Cakes
One and one-half pints of Sperry flour, one tablespoon brown sugar, one teaspoon salt, two teaspoons baking powder, two eggs, one and one-half pints milk. Sift together flour, sugar, salt and powder; add beaten eggs and milk, mix into smooth batter that will run from pitcher. Bake on hot griddle rich brown color, in cakes large as tea saucers. Serve with maple syrup.
Rice Pancakes
Set a pint of new milk over the fire and when scalding hot stir in two spoonfuls of ground rice mixed smooth in one-quarter of a pint of cold milk. Let it thicken, but not boil. Cool it, adding gently one-quarter of a pound of butter. When cold add white sugar, a little nutmeg, four eggs well beaten, and a little salt. Use as little lard as possible in frying these .pancakes and make them light brown. Sift sugar over them, roll them to a round shape and serve slices of lemon with them.
Wheat Cakes
These are the best plain hot griddle cakes without eggs, and they are light, tender and healthful. One quart of Sperry flour, three teaspoons of baking powder, one-half teaspoon of salt. Sift well together and add sweet milk to make into a soft batter. Bake immediately on hot griddle. Should be full one-eighth inch thick when baked. Smother with butter and maple syrup or honey.
Buckwheat Cakes
Sift one pint of buckwheat flour and two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, and add a tablespoonful of brown sugar with enough water to make a batter. Beat but lightly and bake at once on a hot griddle.
Rice Griddle-Cakes
Boil one-half teacupful of rice ; when cold mix with one quart milk, the yolks of four eggs and two teacupfuls Sperry flour, having previously sifted the flour with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder with a little salt; beat the white of the eggs to a froth and add last. Bake on griddle.
Corn Meal Griddle-Cakes
Two cups corn meal, one cup Sperry flour, one-half teaspoon salt, one tablespoon molasses, two teaspoons baking powder, milk or milk and water to make a thin batter on a griddle.
Egg McMuffin
1 English muffin, split
Butter-flavored cooking spray
1 ounce Canadian-style bacon
2 egg whites
2 tablespoons fat-free half and half or skim milk
Salt and pepper to taste
1 slice fat-free cheese
Yellow food coloring (optional)
1. Spray both halves of English muffins with butter spray. Toast muffin until it is lightly browned. While muffin toasts, spray a non-stick skillet with butter flavored cooking spray. Saute Canadian-style bacon for about 1 minute. Remove from pan and place on half of the toasted English muffin
2. In a small bowl, combine egg whites, half and half, 5-6 sprays of fat-free butter spray and salt and pepper to taste. (If you like the look of whole eggs, add a drop of yellow food coloring to egg mixture.) Stir well and pour into a non-stick skillet coated with cooking spray. (For best results, use an egg ring that has been sprayed with cooking spray. The egg ring will shape the egg to fit the muffin.)
3. Cook egg until well done and place over Canadian-style bacon. While egg is piping hot, place slice of cheese over egg and top with remaining muffin half.

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