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Фотокулинар »   Рецепты Фото-Кулинаров »   Bananana Soup Surprise
Bananana Soup Surprise
Автор: Nanny Ogg
Первоисточник: Фотокулинар

People say: "What's so surprising about bananana soup?" And I say, it's got banananas in it.

Serves 4:
4 large banananas, peeled
470ml vegetable stock
155ml dry sherry
1 heaped teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 heaped teaspoon brown sugar
2 heaped teaspoons chopped chvril
pinch of salt and pepper
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Chop tow of the banananas and put into a pan with the stock. Blend or mash until the banananas are smooth and well, er, blended. Slowly bring the liquid to simmering point, taking care not to let it boil, and add the remaining ingredients. Stir gently for 2-3 minutes to ensure that all the sugar has dissolved and leave to simmer for a further 5 minutes, stirring frequently.

Take the remaining two banananas and chop them in half width-ways. Place each half in a bowl, pointing upwards, Pour in some soup and serve.

Surprising, eh?
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