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EGGS - Яйца
EGGS BIND FATS AND LIQUIDS TOGETHER Fats and liquids mixed together tend to separate very quickly. When egg is added to this mixture, it is possible, under right conditions, to secure a very intimate mixing of the fat and liquid. The best known household illustration of this is the combination of oil, vinegar and egg in mayonnaise dressing,- which produces mixture that will keep for a long time. In the case of French dressing, the oil and acid can often be held together for an hour or longer if a small amount of egg-white is added.
EGGS HELP TO COMBINE INGREDIENTS IN BATTER AND DOUGH Although many batter and dough mixtures, such as cakes, muffins, pancakes, and breads, may be and often are made without egg, the use of egg materially improves them. Egg brings about a very intimate mixing of fat and liquid not only with each other but also with the other ingredients present. This gives the product fineness of grain, particularly in mixtures containing fat, and increases its lightness of texture. Cake, fancy yeast breads, such as zwieback, brioche, rusks and fancy rolls, and quick breads, such as delicate muffins, owe a part of their delicacy of texture to the presence of eggs in the mixture.
EGG INCREASES POWER OF BATTER OR DOUGH TO HOLD FAT By causing a more intimate mixing of fat with other ingredients, the egg in a batter and dough mixture will permit the addition of more fat. If a cake is so rich that it has a tendency to fall, the addition of another egg may cure the difficulty. If it is not rich enough, yet falls when more fat is added, putting in another egg permits the use of more fat. If richer muffins are desired, the same rule holds good; eggs as well as fat may need to be added if the product is to retain its lightness. In fancy yeast breads such as zwieback, brioche, rusks and fancy rolls, the large amount of fat present does not reduce the lightness of the mixture, in part at least because of the effects of the egg present.
EGG INCREASES POWER OF BATTER OR DOUGH TO HOLD LIQUID Egg causes the liquid to be distributed in smaller particles throughout a batter and dough mixture. This makes it possible for the mixture to hold more liquid, without interfering with its lightness, than it could hold if the eggs were absent. Therefore, a bread or cake dough made with egg can be made softer than one in which egg is not used. This adds to the delicacy of the product. The popover is the most interesting illustration of a batter that is very light in spite of the large amount of liquid present.
Eggs Help to Give Lightness and Looseness of Texture
This property is due to the presence in egg of a tenacious, gluelike or viscous substance called albumin. Albumin has the power of holding air beaten into it, or gases formed in the mixture containing it, and of stretching as a result of this.
AIR-HOLDING POWER OF EGG REDUCED BY FAT Egg-yolk is very rich in fat. This is the reason that egg-white is better than the yolk for giving lightness and looseness of texture, and accounts for the direction, familiar to every housekeeper, not to permit any of the yolk to escape into the white when separating eggs, if the white is to be beaten stiff. In cakes in which the air-holding quality of egg-white needs to be used to greatest advantage, the egg-white is beaten alone and is folded lightly into the mixture at the last minute, so that the fat in the mixture may not reduce its viscosity.
AIR-HOLDING POWER OF EGG INCREASED BY SUGAR In limited amounts sugar increases the tenacity or viscous properties of egg. This fact is interestingly illustrated in cakes, where the addition of sugar, within limits, increases the lightness of the cake. When sugar is added to beaten egg-white, in limited amounts, it increases the air-holding property of the egg, and the meringue is lighter than the beaten egg alone. When the sugar is added to unbeaten egg-white, in limited amounts, and the two are beaten together, not only can the product be made very light but a meringue made in this way holds the air for a much longer time than when it is made by beating the egg first.
Eggs Thicken Liquids, Making Custards
The value of eggs in custard making is due to the fact that raw eggs are fluid and readily mix with water or milk. When the mixture containing the egg is heated, the particles of egg become solid and the liquid is thus thickened.

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