A Fairly Honourable Defeat: Simon's cassoulet recipe //food-literature/9894/ Cassoulet as it was prepared by &quot;little&quot; Simon Foster in &quot;A Fairly Honourable Defeat&quot; by Iris Murdoch ru //food-literature/9894/p47677.htm#pp47677 //food-literature/9894/p47677.htm#pp47677 It was of course rather hot weather for a <a href="/food-dictionary-en/cassoulet-en/">cassoulet</a> but Simon especially enjoyed making this dish. Also it was an absorbing task and just now he instinctively tried to find himself one absorbing task after another. He had made a start on it yesterday evening, cooking the beans with careful additions of onions, garlic, thyme, parsley, basil, gammon and pieces of sticky pork rind. That afternoon, which he had taken off from the museum, he had roasted some mutton and half a duck while the beans were heating up again to simmer quietly. After that the big brown earthenware pot which they had bought in Besan&#231;on was packed with layers of beans followed by more layers of duck, mutton and garlic sausage, followed by more layers of beans, followed by more layers of duck, mutton and garlic sausage, all the way up to the top. Then a slow oven until the upper beans were crusty. Stir the crusty beans in and let other beans get crusty. Stir these in. The climax had almost been reached.<br /><br />'Doesn't the smell of this make you almost faint with joy?' said Simon to Axel. Ilfa Mon, 13 Jun 2011 18:16:31 +0400