The Delectable mountains: blighted suitor appetite //food-literature/9821/ ru //food-literature/9821/p47103.htm#pp47103 //food-literature/9821/p47103.htm#pp47103 Если можно распознать "вкусную" книжку с первой же главы, то отрывки навроде этого говорят сами за себя. <br /><br />Прелесть.<br /><br />Это вторая книжка американского автора Майкла Малоне, которую я начала читать. Первую (The Handling Sin) прочла где-то еще года два назад. Шедевр. По всем показателям и эта будет не хуже, тем более, что у меня есть ощущуение, что обе книги связаны общими героями. Посмотрим.<br /><br />Извиняюсь, что это для "English speakers only", не уверена, что его книги переведены на русский. Но если читаете по-английски, читать книжки by Michael Malone - обязательно. ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО! <br /><br /> Ilfa Mon, 09 May 2011 16:08:32 +0400 //food-literature/9821/p47102.htm#pp47102 //food-literature/9821/p47102.htm#pp47102 Off and on until morning, I hear Colum’s crutches clomping to the bathroom. Mama always told him not to drink so much Pepsi because they used it to clean johns in the navy and it was going to corrode his stomach, but he said it was never in there long enough to do much damage. I was pleased to discover I had insomnia, for I knew from literary experience that blighted suitors lost their appetites along with their beloveds, and so I’d been a little disturbed by the amount of food I had been able to absent-mindedly consume subsequent to my third full meal, when (according to Mama) I had ingested a leftover pork chop, a banana split, half a cantaloupe, a bowl of popcorn, a blow of chicken noodle soup, and two cold slices of pizza. But I could only assume that anguish lead to excess as well as to deprivation. Ilfa Mon, 09 May 2011 16:03:29 +0400